When deciding the best dust control solution for a client, Rainstorm works closely with project managers, government officials, mining industry professionals, and civil engineers to identify not only the most appropriate product for the site but also the most considered method of application. 

In addition to ultimately successfully suppressing dust, Rainstorm also takes into account what is required to apply a product with minimum disturbance to operations and immediate surroundings. Our highly experienced team can source or custom design specialised application equipment as well as coordinate resources, transport and logistics to ensure project success while minimising ecological impact and operational downtime. 

If successful dust suppression requires specialised application, a solution to difficult access, or tailored application equipment, Rainstorm is the best choice to design and deliver optimal project outcomes.

Once the most effective and efficient solution is created, Rainstorm can provide:

  • full application services
  • onsite supervisors to work alongside local contractors
  • application procedures for site teams to handle dust control delivery

The result can bring cost savings, heightened efficiency, and a safe, healthy work environment.

With over 30 years of experience in delivering on-site dust control solutions to isolated and remote mine sites across Australia, we pride ourselves on offering complete and comprehensive solutions for our clients. Get in touch with our expert team at Rainstorm for more information regarding our contractor services, and how they can be tailored to your project. 

Video: Helicopter Veneering Gluon™ Application

Contractor services

Importance of Proper Application for Mining

Mining projects frequently involve the use of heavy machinery and explosives, which generate airborne dust particles, presenting significant operational challenges as well as health risks to both workers and nearby communities. Rainstorm’s effective dust suppression products, combined with application methods proven on mine sites across Australia, ensure minimal operational disturbance and maximum dust suppression results exactly where it's needed. Our solutions quickly and effectively contribute to establishing a safer and healthier environment for everyone in and around the mining site. By implementing our proven dust control solutions, you are prioritising multiple operational efficiencies as well as  the well-being of your workforce and neighbouring communities. 

Importance of Proper Application for Mining

Importance of Proper Application in Civil Projects

Road construction and rehabilitation inevitably encounter dust and erosion control challenges due to the nature of these activities. The key to success lies in implementing effective measures that not only mitigate environmental impact but also ensure the safety of site personnel.

In collaboration with Rainstorm, our contractor services have been specially curated to address dust, erosion, rehabilitation, and materials handling. With us, you can enhance your civil project management and overcome these challenges with ease. 

By utilising Rainstorm’s proactive approaches, you'll be able to fulfil your environmental responsibility and ensure site safety. 

Importance of Proper Application in Civil Projects

Types of Contractor Services Available

With over 30 years of field experience, Rainstorm offers practical contractor services for various projects, specialising in dust control, erosion management, and efficient materials handling. Some of the common services we offer include

  • Air Tractor Applications

    Utilising a range of specialised aircrafts, we apply dust control solutions such as magnesium chloride or calcium chloride to dirt roads and access routes. This efficient method effectively manages airborne dust, minimising reliance on water trucks for dust control.

  • Off-Road Trucks

    Our specialised off-road trucks, equipped with dedicated tools, can efficiently apply hydroseeding and hydromulch solutions to large areas, ensuring a swift and effective process.

  • Turn Key Dust Control Batching Plants

    Crafted for on-site production, our solutions for dust control effectively cut transportation costs and guarantee a steady and reliable supply of dust control measures.

  • Helicopter Buckets

    Perfect for applying dust control solutions to remote or hard-to-reach areas, our helicopter buckets method proves particularly effective in controlling erosion on steep slopes and other challenging terrains.

  • Dust Control Application to Access Roads, Local Government, and Mining Haul Roads

    Our dust control solutions can be applied to access roads, local government roads, and mining haul roads, effectively reducing dust and enhancing safety.


Types of Contractor Services


Air Tractor Applications

Aerial Application

Aerial application is a distinctive and efficient approach to dust and erosion control in mining and civil projects. Rainstorm has successfully employed aerial applications to cover open areas, especially isolated or challenging-to-access sites, and sensitive areas in need of crucial environmental rehabilitation.

Helicopter veneering utilises specialised equipment to apply a layer of material, such as mulch or seed, effectively controlling erosion and fostering revegetation over expansive areas.

Contact us today to discuss how Rainstorm can assist with reducing your environmental impact.

Enhance Environmental Safety With Rainstorm's Contractor Services

Elevate your mining and civil projects with essential contractor services that guarantee sustainable solutions and foster a safe, healthy work environment. 

Our contractor services can make a positive impact on your project. For dependable solutions in dust control, rehabilitation, erosion control, and materials handling, reach out to our experienced team at Rainstorm. 





Get In Touch

Water on Dust Control is Water Lost. Tell us your dust problem and we'll tailor a sustainable solution.