Effective Dust Control During Wet Season

Dust Control in the Wet

DUST CONTROL is a year-round challenge for the Mining Industry. It isn’t just a dry-season problem. In fact, managing dust lift-off across the mine site during the wet season, can be the greater challenge of the two.

It’s Important to Know your Chemistry – Rainstorm will teach you.

Successful dust management during wet months requires an understanding of the dust control chemistry used at a particular site. The Pilbara region is known for patchy, localised rain events. These can bring significant falls that will challenge the effectiveness of any dust control chemistry, and just as quickly as they come, they are gone, leaving the site dry again within hours to a day or two.

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Soil Stabilisation for Fun and Recreation

Three Chillies Design - John Dunn BMX Challenge Park

Image care of Three Chillies Design – Soil Stabilisation at John Dunn BMX Challenge Park

Soil Stabilisation Across Sectors

On a mine site, Rainstorm is all about mitigating dust to improve health and safety, save water, reduce machine maintenance, optimise materials handling, reduce material loss and minimise operational downtime.

But our products are used on some very cool civil projects too, and when it comes to surface stabilisation at a world class BMX park created by our good friends at Three Chillies Design, the ultimate goal is a lot more about fun!

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