Effective Dust Suppression System for Frozen Ground

Treatment area at Qingdao Wuchuan McDermott site

Rainstorm on Site: McDermott Marine Engineering Co, Qingdao Wuchuan, China

Specific Site Challenges:

– Frozen dry ground producing fine fugitive dust
– Damage to the yard surface caused by movement of heavy, tracked vehicles

In December 2023, Rainstorm answered the call to tailor a dust suppression system for McDermott Marine Engineering Co at its Qingdao Wuchuan gas module construction facility in China.

Summers in the region are hot and wet, while winters are typically dry with often sub-zero temperatures and consequently, frozen ground. While you might typically think of dust being generated in hot dry conditions, freezing dry conditions can present the same degree of fugitive dust and pose the same kinds of health and safety risks.

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Understanding the Tools: What is Bulk Materials Handling?

Understanding the Tools What is Bulk Materials Handling

In sectors such as mining, construction, and agriculture, the effective management of large quantities of raw materials, including ore, grain, and minerals, is crucial for success. The process of bulk material handling, encompassing the movement, storage, and control of these materials from their extraction or production sites to their processing and distribution points, plays a pivotal role in the smooth operation of a project.

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Sustainability For The Future: Soil Stabilisation Techniques

Sustainability For The Future Soil Stabilisation Techniques

Mining and its related heavy industries are undeniable pillars of the Australian economy, however, the impact that they have on the surrounding environment cannot be ignored. This industry is increasingly regulated, and operators are required to adopt the most effective eco-conscious techniques available across all areas of operation to minimise nad manage their environmental impact.

At Rainstorm, our specialty is creating custom-made soil stabilisation techniques that help reduce the long-lasting damage that mining, civil and governmental projects have on the environment. With a range of methods and techniques available throughout Australia, we work alongside your operations to find a solution that will meet your exact needs.

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